Category Archives: Welcome

Welcome to A Colorful Workshop

I’m Carolyn Dube, a little kid trapped in a grown up body…

I have an addiction that doctors have said is incurable. An addiction to color and art supplies.  Symptoms include blue and green spray ink stain on the cuticles, splatters of paint on every article of clothing no matter how hard I try to avoid it, the compulsive need to cover up all white space with art supplies, uncontrollable excitement when new products are released at CHA,  and a fever for things that sparkle.

I spent 10 years trapped in the body of an elementary school teacher before realizing my true place in the universe was as a mixed media artist so it is no surprise that I have a talent for tutorials and step by step blog posts.  I love sharing  practical real world “I can do this” type of tutorials so everyone can experience the joys of creating art too.

Where You Can Find Me

Blog: A Colorful Journey

My newsletter


YouTube Channel



Twitter: @CarolynDube1